Pope Francis: ‘Respect for the world begins with respect for the human body’

| 27 Giugno 2018

Sr. Bernadette Mary Reis, fsp The Pontifical Academy of Life is holding a two-day workshop 25-26 June. Pope Francis met with the participants on Monday and shared his thoughts with them regarding the theme: Equal Beginnings. But then? A global responsibility”. Science at the service of life Pope Francis began saying that “human ecology” needs to be encouraged […]

Irish Catholic hospitals who perform abortions ‘fail to be Catholic’


‘There comes a point at which you have got to stand your ground and say we cannot obey that law if it requires us to carry out direct abortions’ Irish hospitals with a Catholic ethos cannot perform direct abortions and church leaders and the hospital trustees must make that clear to the government, the director […]

Pope Francis: Support life at all stages, avoid ‘dirty work of death’


VATICAN CITY — Behind the indifference toward human life lies a contagious illness that blinds people to the lives, challenges and struggles of others, Pope Francis said. Like the mythical figure Narcissus, people risk becoming infected by a “contagious spiritual virus” that turns them into “mirrored men and women who only see themselves and nothing […]

Pope Francis: Support life at all stages, avoid ‘dirty work of death’

| 26 Giugno 2018

A Belgian researcher holds a human brain as part of a study into psychiatric diseases July 19, 2017. Pope Francis told members of the Pontifical Academy for Life June 25 that behind the indifference toward human life lies a contagious illness that blinds people to the lives, challenges and struggles of others. (CNS photo/Yves Herman, […]

XXIV annual meeting of the Pontificial Academy of Life – Introduction to the workshop

| 25 Giugno 2018

Care amiche e cari amici, vi rivolgo il mio più cordiale benvenuto per questo tempo di approfondimento e di scambio su un tema che ci sta molto a cuore. Le continue e rapide trasformazioni di cui siamo testimoni nel nostro mondo ci chiedono di riflettere in modo rinnovato e sempre più articolato a quanto costituisce […]

Under Francis, Vatican’s pro-life think tank seeks 360-degree approach

| 23 Giugno 2018

Claire Giangravè ROME – Pope Francis is not the only one criticizing the separation of children from their families at the U.S.-Mexico border, with the head of the Vatican’s think tank on bioethics joining the U.S. bishops in condemning what he called “myopic politics.” The plight of immigrants, said Italian Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, president of […]