Sanctity of life and the medical profession. From humanae vitae to Laudato si’

| 29 Maggio 2018

The almost fifty years that separate Humanae Vitae (“HV”) (1968) and Laudato Si’ (“LS”) (2015) have seen great changes take place in the planet’s structure, and great transformations in the balance among different cultures.  The dynamics of globalization have led to much sharper confrontations among human groups that are characterized by their different cultures, which […]

Losers in Charlie Gard, Alfie Evans cases look to the future


ROME – Bunkered in the pope’s pediatric hospital on top of Rome’s Janiculum Hill, the losers in the battle to save the lives of Charlie Gard and Alfie Evans met Monday to discuss strategies going forward and present a charter of rights for incurable children. “It seems absurd that a judge’s sentence could overcome the […]

From Humanae Vitae to Amoris Laetitia

| 16 Maggio 2018

The purpose of this paper is to show that there is an “unbroken thread” connecting Humanae Vitae with Amoris Laetitia, two documents promulgated within cultural and ecclesial contexts very different one from the other.  To do so, I would like to offer my reflections about the passing on of life, and show its central importance, […]

Archbishop Paglia asks for ‘shared response’ to Alfie Evan

| 24 Aprile 2018

Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia has called for parents and health-care workers to agree on a “shared response” to the condition of Alfie Evans. The president of the Pontifical Academy for Life—who last month said that hospital officials were trying to prevent “overzealous treatment” of the child—said that the conflict appears to be nearing “a dead-end.” (Catholic […]

Pope: Respect lives of very ill patients like Alfie Evans

| 20 Aprile 2018

VATICAN CITY — Highlighting the plight of a seriously ill toddler in Great Britain and a severely brain-damaged man in France, Pope Francis called for greater respect for every patient’s life and dignity. After praying the “Regina Coeli” with people gathered in St. Peter’s Square April 15, the pope asked that everyone pray for “people, […]

‘Seamless garment’ revisited: Pope insists all life deserves defense

| 19 Aprile 2018

by Cindy Wooden ROME – When Pope Francis insisted that the lives of the unborn and of the poor are “equally sacred,” he was not trying to shift the focus of Catholics from fighting abortion to fighting poverty, he was trying to show they are part of the same battle, said Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, president […]