The Tablet Interview

| 13 Aprile 2018

VINCENZO PAGLIA is a busy man. Along with juggling two big Vatican jobs, he is the postulator for the cause of the canonisation of Oscar Romero (as well, incidentally, as the cause for the beatification of the Cuban priest, Félix Varela). As we sit in his office, I realise that the sound of church bells is […]

Greetings to the PAL-LIFE Conference

| 28 Febbraio 2018

I would like to welcome all who are participating in this International Conference, “Palliative Care:  Everywhere and by Everyone.  Palliative Care in Every Region.  Palliative Care in Every Religion or Belief.”  The Pontifical Academy for Life is pleased to sponsor our Conference as part of its PAL-LIFE Project, whose goal is the spread and development […]

THE PROCLAMATION OF LIFE IN A MISSIONARY PERSPECTIVE – La proclamazione della vita in chiave missionaria

| 27 Febbraio 2018

London, 13th of february, 2018, Catholic Voices Academy THE PROCLAMATION OF LIFE IN A MISSIONARY PERSPECTIVE – february 13, 2018 read and download  LA PROCLAMAZIONE DELLA VITA IN CHIAVE MISSIONARIA – Londra, 13 febbraio 2018 leggi e scarica in pdf  

Human dignity and bioethics – Dignità umana e bioetica

| 12 Febbraio 2018

Oxford Ascombe Center – Las Casas Institute, 12th of february 2018 HUMAN DIGNITY AND BIOETHICS – february 12, 2018 read and download Desidero anzitutto ringraziarvi per questo invito e per l’attualità del tema che avete scelto di propormi. La questione della dignità umana è infatti molto presente nel dibattito pubblico, sia nell’ambito della bioetica, sia […]

Vatican slams China monkey cloning

| 26 Gennaio 2018

(ANSA) – Vatican City, January 25 – The Vatican on Thursday slammed the cloning of two monkeys in China. “Not everything that is possible is right,” said Msgr Vincenzo Paglia, head of the Pontifical Academy for Life. “We must always consider the effects of our interventions on the ecosystem and weigh the risk of making […]

Promote technology that serves human life

| 6 Ottobre 2017

by Preetu Nair Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, president, Pontifical Academy for Life, Vatican, who was recently in Kochi to attend the Catholic Health Association of India (CHAI) national health convention talks about palliative care provided by Catholic hospitals in India that the world needs to imitate, Pontifical Academy for Life’s long-term vision and why they are against IVF. What is the […]