Champion of Romero’s sainthood cause: Today martyrdom is the only way to follow Jesus

| 16 Agosto 2017

Claire Giangravè ROME – In a homily celebrating the centenary of the birth of Blessed Oscar Romero, Italian Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia said that nowadays martyrdom “is the only way to follow Jesus and the only way to be truly blessed.” Paglia, who is the president of the Vatican’s Academy for Life, said during the special […]

Celebration for 100 years of blessed Oscar Romero in London

| 9 Agosto 2017

Saturday 12 august at 12.30 in St. George’s cathedral, Southwark in London Romero Centenary Mass celebrating 100 years of blessed Oscar Romero 1917-2017. Principal celebrant: arcibishop Peter Smith. Arcibishop Vincenzo Paglia, postulator of Romero’s cause in Rome will give the homily. Sabato 12 agosto alle 12.30 nella cattedrale di San Giorgio a Southwark in Londra, […]

Dialogue is love, not compromise

| 26 Luglio 2017

ROME – Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, appointed president of the Vatican’s Academy for Life (PAV) around this time last year, is a passionate man with a big mission and a sackful of energy and hope that easily spills out. Entrusted by Pope Francis with taking the Church’s pro-life witness out on the road, breaking it out of […]

A new strategy. An ambitious project

| 14 Luglio 2017

“A new strategy. An ambitious project “. This is how Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia describes the mission of the Church in the defense of life and family in the time of Pope Francis.  There will be no giving up our historical struggles.  But neither will we have only permanent encampments on yesterdays’s battlefields.  In an interview […]

Respect for Charlie’s parents, Paglia

| 7 Luglio 2017

(ANSA) – Vatican City, June 30 – Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia, president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, on Friday called for respect of the wishes of the parents of a terminally ill 11-month-old, Charlie Gard, who do not want their child to be taken off life support, as scheduled Friday. The parents, Chris Gard and […]

The Case of Charlie Gard

| 1 Luglio 2017

The matter of the English baby Charlie Gard and his parents has meant both pain and hope for all of us. We feel close to him, to his mother, his father, and all those who have cared for him and struggled together with him until now. For them, and for those who are called to […]