Archbishop Paglia re-dedicates Cathedral in Arua Diocese

| 15 Marzo 2017

Thousands of the faithful from across Uganda recently thronged the refurbished Sacred Heart of Jesus Cathedral, Ediofe, in Uganda’s Arua Diocese for its re-dedication. The ceremony commemorating the Cathedral’s re-opening, re-dedication and consecration was officiated by Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, President of the Pontifical Academy for Life and President of the St. John Paul II Pontifical […]

Broad agreement on living will says

| 14 Marzo 2017

(ANSA) – Rome, March 13 – The head of the Pontifical Academy for Life, Msgr Vincenzo Paglia, said a living-will bill before parliament should stop “excessive” treatment for the terminally ill while “helping sick people to live”. The likely approval of a living-will law comes eight years after the issue hit headlines in 2009 when […]

Re-dedication of Sacred Heart of Jesus Cathedral-Ediofe, Arua – Uganda

| 3 Marzo 2017

Today it is a great feast in Arua. The cathedral of the Sacred Heart is rededicated to God. We came in huge crowds. Many people are also following us through Radio Pacis. Best wishes and greetings to all of you. Pope Francis as well has sent us his message of blessings for the occasion. Cardinal […]

Christian community is based on faith and practice – Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia.


Friends of St. Egidio Community in Arua Diocese, a community that caters for the needy have been encouraged not to neglect the categories to whom they provide the necessary basic human care. Archbishop VicenzoPaglia who was the main celebrant during the re-dedication of Sacred Heart of Jesus Cathedral-Ediofe said being close to the disadvantaged is a service […]

Stay united, Vatican tells feuding Arua catholics

| 28 Febbraio 2017

By FELIX WAROM OKELLO & CLEMENT ALUMA ARUA. The Vatican, through the president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, has urged Christians in Arua to be united and stop fighting Sabino Odoki, the new bishop of Arua Diocese sitting at Ediofe Cathedral. Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, in his homily during the Consecration of […]

Twenty-Sixth Workshop for Bishops-National Catholic Bioethics Center/Knights of Columbus

| 6 Febbraio 2017

Twenty-Sixth Workshop for Bishops-National Catholic Bioethics Center/Knights of Columbus Dallas, 6 february 2017 READ AND DOWNLOAD TEX