| 11 Dicembre 2015

Taiwan, november 2015 DOWNLOAD TEXT

Taiwan, Saturday, November 28, 2015


We have come to end of the liturgical year. The Gospel passage we have listened to closes the eschatological discourse that we have been meditating on these past days. Jesus was speaking in Jerusalem. He went to the Temple every day to teach the people, then when evening came, he went to the Garden of […]

Budapest Demographic Forum

| 1 Dicembre 2015

Giovedi 5 novembre Vincenzo Paglia, ha parlato della famiglia e dello sviluppo umano al Forum demografico di Budapest, intitolato “Famiglie al centro”. Subito dopo aver consegnato un messaggio speciale di Sua Santità, Papa Francesco, Sua Eccellenza ha poi pronunciato il suo discorso ufficiale davanti alla platea di partecipanti, comprese eminenti autorità, sia civili che ecclesiastiche, […]

A Word that Nourishes and Warms

| 7 Ottobre 2015

At the end of the Mass in Philadelphia, the Pope presented the Gospel to five families from around the world. They were accompanied by a family that arrived directly from Damascus, Syria, where the population is suffering from one of the greatest humanitarian tragedies of our time. Such a significant presence could not be lacking; […]

The Conjugal Family: An Irreplaceable Resource for Society

| 17 Settembre 2015

In the contemporary debate about the family, the value of this institution on a private level, as a milieu of affection and rewarding relationships, does not seem to be questioned. Most research shows that the family is first or second among people’s main concerns. Yet, because of the processes of modernization, it is increasingly considered […]

Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia gets the Lifetime Achievement Award

| 8 Luglio 2015