| 15 Gennaio 2021
Nowadays, the church cannot be a mere guardian of ideas and beliefs, however good and righteous that may be. The mystery of life, that is, the way God dwells in history, must not only be safeguarded and protected, but also pragmatically proclaimed as much as possible, because men and women on this planet need to […]
| 24 Settembre 2020
Life for Everyone We dream that the day will come soon when all women and men, the elderly and children, healthy and sick, the weak and the strong, everyone, no one left out, will be able to banquet together at one table, enjoying food that is hearty, and comforting drink. Our dream is that the […]
| 18 Agosto 2020
On August 12, 2020, the Italian Ministry of Health issued revised “Guidelines for the Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy Using Mifepristone and Prostaglandin.” Their reach is limited geographically but the issues they reflect are global. To begin, these revised Ministry of Health Guidelines are not themselves likely to change anyone’s already-existing basic positions with respect to […]
| 22 Luglio 2020
Covid-19 has brought desolation to the world. We have lived it for so long, now, and it is not over yet. It might not be for a very long time. What to take of it? Surely, we are summoned to the courage of resistance. The search for a vaccine and for a thorough scientific explanation […]
| 21 Luglio 2020
Regarding the controversies generated by the publication, via Tweeter account of the Pontifical John Paul II Theological Institute for the Sciences of Marriage and the Family, containing a poster of the film Casomai by Alessandro D’Alatri aiming at promotion of an episode of the Adesso in onda il Gp2 program, the following shall be noted: All the social network accounts linked […]
| 23 Giugno 2020
Welcome to this first presentation of the preview of the results of the research that the Family International Monitor has been conducting for over a year on the topic “Family and of relational poverty”. I greet and thank Mgr. Pierangelo Sequeri, president of the Pontifical John Paul II Institute, José Luis Mendoza, President of the […]