Pontifical Academy for Life, XXV Annual Meeting, opening address

| 27 Febbraio 2019

Eminences, Excellencies, Esteemed Members, Ladies and Gentlemen, Today we begin our Annual Meeting and at the same time we celebrate the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the foundation of our Academy, established on February 11, 1994 by Saint John Paul II, who was encouraged and inspired by the Servant of God Jérôme Lejeune.  Thank you, Madame Lejeune, […]

Robo Ethics, address of Pope Francis


My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I welcome you most cordially and I thank Archbishop Paglia for his kind words.  Our meeting is taking place during a great Jubilee for the Pontifical Academy for Life— the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of its Founding.  For this important occasion, last month I sent a letter entitled Humana Communitas to your […]

Vatican and Muslim experts unite to defend palliative healthcare

| 23 Gennaio 2019

ROME – Speaking to Catholic and Muslim experts on healthcare and ethics at a conference in Qatar this Tuesday, the head of the Pontifical Academy for Life said that religions should be the guardians of palliative care. “Palliative care represents a human right and several international programs are working to make it so,” said Italian […]

Muslim and Christian Perspectives on Palliative Care and End of Life

| 22 Gennaio 2019

I would like to join in the greeting offered by Dean Dallal and welcome you, both for myself and on behalf of the Pontifical Academy for Life, to our Conference dealing with “Muslim and Christian Perspectives on Palliative Care and the End of Life.” This conference is part of the Academy’s wider PAL-LIFE project that […]

Twenty-fifth anniversary of the creation of the Pontifical Academy for Life

| 15 Gennaio 2019

February 11, 2019, marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the creation of the Pontifical Academy for Life.  On this occasion, Pope Francis wanted to commemorate the event with a letter, but not simply one that thanks the Academy and its Members for the work they have done in years past and encourages them to face with […]

With migrants stranded at sea, Pope Francis urges welcome

| 14 Gennaio 2019

It’s a new year but the same story for Europe, where two boats carrying immigrants have been stranded at sea for days while diplomats, clerics and politicians argue over whose responsibility it is to take them in. Pope Francis weighed in by calling European leaders to show “concrete solidarity” toward those fleeing poverty and persecution […]