The Word of God each day – year B
The Word of God eah day follows the liturgical year of the Church’s 3-year lectionary cycle (year B), beginning with the season of Advent. The weekly rhythm of prayer includes readings from the old and news testaments, and each set of readings is accompanied by an explanatory passage and meditation to help break open the word. Weekdays follow full reading of the Gospel of Matthew and several selections of the Bible are completend by the end of the year. There is an appendix of prayers at the back. At the heart of this book lies the exerience of daily prayer. We are encuraged the read the Bible and to find time in our busy lives to meet the Lord who speaks to us, bringing us light and food.
La traduzione in inglese di La parola di Dio ogni giorno, pubblicata ogni anno in italiano dalla Leonardo International – i libri di Sant’Egidio, è stata curata Richard Garrad che fino al 2003 è stato il Direttore del Centro Anglicano di Roma.