Vatican slams China monkey cloning
(ANSA) – Vatican City, January 25 – The Vatican on Thursday slammed the cloning of two monkeys in China.
“Not everything that is possible is right,” said Msgr Vincenzo Paglia, head of the Pontifical Academy for Life.
“We must always consider the effects of our interventions on the ecosystem and weigh the risk of making mistakes in the management of new know-how which may in the future lead us to interventions on the human body,” said the Vatican’s pointman on bioethics.
The head of the Italian Bishops Conference (CEI), Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco said the case was “further proof of that kind of will to power, of mania of omnipotence that is growing”.
“I wonder whether it really leads to solutions. I rather think that the result attained is only an affirmation of self”.